Detalles de Foreplay

Título Foreplay
Duración: 3 min. 10 seg.
Formato de Realización: MiniDV
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original:
Fecha de Producción: mayo de 2004
Ciudad de Producción: Bremen
País de Producción: Alemania
Sinopsis: Foreplay A group of youngsters, in a suburban setting. Nonverbal processes between the boys, on one side, girls on the other, in distinctive groups, divided by the site of the spectacle. The play of gazes between them, as captured by the gaze of the camera. The set seems to be the stage for their own social ritual, taking place in recurring manner, in a very suspended form, with a promise of something ludic and transgressive to happen, but only by the end of the scene. The site dividing the group is presented as a battlefield. The projection does not show the faces or the bodies of the regular visitors of the amusement park engaged in this electric car ride, but only flags and flag posts that are moving without straight routes, frequently hitting one onto the other. As the projection goes on, there is a moment in which one can feel the crescendo, but as condensed, with one element of additionally displaced, i.e. in a metonymical way. The moment is of the sequential spitting of one of the girls, onto the boys that would pass her, in an obscenely physical, even ejaculatory manner, metonymically making present never actualized physical encounters. Text by Stevan Vukovic
Producción: Miodrag Krkobabic
Director/a: Miodrag Krkobabic
Sociedad de Gestión:
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