Detalles de Au quart de tour

Título Au quart de tour
Duración: 7 min. 0 seg.
Formato de Realización: MiniDV
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original:
Fecha de Producción: septiembre de 2004
Ciudad de Producción: Brussels
País de Producción: Bélgica
Sinopsis: A man walks through the landscape. But his feet are stuck to the ground and there is no landscape except his own bodyÂ… --- This project explores the notions of "motionless movement" and "body image" through specifically cinematic means. By the quick succession of still pictures representing different points of view on a same object - in this case a static body repeating a single sequence of simple gestures - a "polyscopic" view of the human body takes place. In a constant motion of deconstruction/reconstruction of its visible parts, hands, arms, face, this body modifies the geometry of the space in which it registers itself as much as it modifies its own physionomy. In some way, "Au quart de tour" can be seen as a cubist film attempt.
Producción: Quoi d'Autre
Director/a: Antonin De Bemels
Reparto: Bruno Marin
Guión: Antonin De Bemels
Montaje: Antonin De Bemels
Fotografía: Antonin De Bemels
Música: Rob(u)rang
Sonido: Rob(u)rang
Otros: supported by La Communauté Française de Belgique, service des Arts Plastiques
Sociedad de Gestión:
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