Detalles de Lamestation

Título Lamestation
Duración: 1 min. 8 seg.
Formato de Realización: MiniDV
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original:
Fecha de Producción: marzo de 2003
Ciudad de Producción: Linz
País de Producción: Austria
Sinopsis: Lamestation is a video outtake of the computer game (t)error (t)Error - The trademark of Error AUSTRIA 2003 ROBERT PRAXMARER In this installation – originally designed as a video game – the player can slip into the role of a George W. Bush, Osama Bin Laden or Tony Blair and haunt the (game)world with the respective identity. By recording outlines and movements of players via camera and projecting it in real time and size onto the wall, the voluntary players become pieces of the game - their task is either to avoid contact with tanks, submarines or warships of the enemy, to collect oil refineries and Dollar bills or to fight desperate civilians to get to the next level of the game. On one the hand (t)error depicts the cynical discourse on events and the doubtful motives of the war in Iraq on the other hand the piece of work by Austrian artist Robert Praxmarer is an attempt of critisism on today’s game and media culture, characterised by consumption and fun. Using the medium computer game is an irony in itself. The consumer is actively included into the action through a strong identification with his chosen character and experiences the combination of fun and violence in a much more direct and instant way than with any other medium.
Producción: Robert Praxmarer
Director/a: Robert Praxmarer
Música: Jennifer Carlile(USA)
Sociedad de Gestión:
Licencia de distribución: Dominio público
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Lugar de proyección: caS 1
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Concertado como programa de

Ayuntamiento de Sevilla ICAS Centro de las Artes de Sevilla

Con el apoyo de

Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud Universidad Internacional de Andalucía Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de cultura

Con la colaboración de

Fundación Tres Culturas Grupo RTVA Caja San Fernando - Obra social Embajada de Francia Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo Caja Madrid - Obra social Lois