Detalles de For To End Yet Again

Título For To End Yet Again
Duración: 5 min. 0 seg.
Formato de Realización: MiniDV
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original:
Fecha de Producción: enero de 2004
Ciudad de Producción: New York
País de Producción: Estados Unidos
Sinopsis: For To End Yet Again (2004) is an experimental, non-narrative, philosophical investigation, which uses technology to alter and shape reality. In the video, motion is not progress, but rather circularity and repetition. Time passes and as much as there is change, there is also the realization that we end up where we started. The video works with the body as an object that creates and carries time through motion. Through the process of video editing, the speed and rhythm of time are altered and reorganized. Sound is manipulated to become an aggressive element, which disturbs and breaks continuity.
Producción: M. Beck & J. Calvo
Director/a: M. Beck & J. Calvo
Reparto: M. Beck & J. Calvo
Guión: M. Beck & J. Calvo
Montaje: M. Beck & J. Calvo
Música: M. Beck & J. Calvo
Sonido: M. Beck & J. Calvo
Sociedad de Gestión:
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