Detalles de Mr X

Título Mr X
Duración: 11 min. 0 seg.
Formato de Realización: DVCAM
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original: English
Fecha de Producción: septiembre de 2006
Ciudad de Producción: London, Athens
País de Producción: Reino Unido
Sinopsis: My field of interest is based on creating work, which deals with the questions of how we live in our contemporary world. In the urban life, we receive a lot of information at the same time. We watch what fascinates or disturbs us. This video work deals with fragments of urban interactions and time in a speeded-up contemporary world. The stimulus of the city is reflected in the work, to which the viewers can respond differently in creating their own journey through choosing a route of focus throughout the piece. The city is a place where many things happen simultaneously, where we are trying to keep up with the speed of communication and transport. I chose to focus on the aspect of the city as a place where one can hide, and become anonymous. A place where millions of encounters are possible, are about to happen, or have been nearly missed; the city with multiple routes one makes every day; the juxtaposition of the loneliness within the crowdedness. The theme of the city and the specific focus on events and details in our daily lives that remain unnoticed seems to reflect the chosen process and aims. Visually the project explores the city at night. Harsh artificial lights are contrasted with broader dark spaces, enhancing the artificiality and randomness related to missed calls, communication or miscommunication via e-mails, missed connections, being late or too early, glimpses, short encounters... the kaleidoscope of possibilities. - which is reflected through the further juxtaposition of multiple images on a single screen.
Producción: Natassa Xydi
Director/a: Natassa Xydi
Reparto: Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Makis Amorginos
Guión: Natassa Xydi
Montaje: Natassa Xydi
Música: Natassa Xydi
Sonido: Natassa Xydi
Sociedad de Gestión:
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