Detalles de Equality

Título Equality
Duración: 1 min. 59 seg.
Formato de Realización: DVD
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original: Turkish
Fecha de Producción: mayo de 2004
Ciudad de Producción: Istanbul
País de Producción: Turquía
Sinopsis: For hundred of years human kind made wars if there ıs god or not.But ar far east, a man is busy with the floating of water.There is god or not, he doesnt care.He is busy with the water.Water is an other way of getting un concious.The real thing is man kind over there. The natural sound of water is the way of seeing him- herself as nature and getting unconcious. In a turistic place,the feet of people that are origined different cultures are same.This picture reflects equality of people. "Water is an instrument that connects nature with mankind. Water mellows mankind, and lets mankind rest. But the surface that water flows, disturbs. Mankind chills out in the flowing water without ambitionsand dreams. determining feeling is being lost in this space,blank. Nowhere to go. The walk at this upside turning world is rhythmic and bumpy, hilly. Feet are naked and people purifiy with their guide, sound of water. Feet are all the same. Real one is always the flowing of water."
Producción: Sinasi Gunes
Director/a: Sinasi Gunes
Guión: Sinasi Gunes
Montaje: Sinasi Gunes
Fotografía: Sinasi Gunes
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