Taller Aire, Sonido y Poder. Festival Audiovisual ZEMOS98 10a

Soud Cannon (Cañón sónico) by Dr. Richard Wallauschek

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: VIDEO

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“A principios de los 40, el doctor Richard Wallauschek desarrolló un arma revolucionaria a la que denominó “cañón sónico”. Estaba formado por dos reflectores parabólicos conectados por varios tubos que formaban una cámara de disparo. A través de los tubos entraba en la cámara una mezcla de oxígeno y metano que era detonada de forma cíclica. Las ondas de sonido producidas por las explosiones, por reflexión, generaban una onda de choque de gran intensidad que creaba un rayo sónico de enorme amplitud. La nota aguda que enviaba superaba los 1.000 milibares a casi 50 metros. A esta distancia, medio minuto de exposición mataría a cualquiera que se encontrara cerca, y a 250 metros seguiría produciendo un dolor insoportable. Esta curiosa arma no fue nunca empleada en un campo de batalla (era muy voluminosa, pues el segundo reflector medía más de 3 metros), aunque hay rumores de que se usó con animales.”

“Besides the Vortex Gun and Wind Cannon, invisible and powerful air waves were used in another devise designed by scientists at Lofer, in the form of the so-called “sound cannon.” Designed by Dr. Richard Wallauschek, the cannon consisted of large parabaloid reflectors, the final version of which had a diameter over 3m. The “dishes” were connected to a chamber composed of several sub-units firing tubes.

The function of these tubes was to allow an admixture of methane and oxygen into the combustion chamber, where the two gases were ignited in a cyclical, continuous explosion. The length of the firing chamber itself was exactly a quarter of the wavelength of the sound waves produced by the on-going explosions. Each explosion initiated the next by producing a reflected, high-intensity shockwave, and so creating a very high amplitude sound beam. This high and strong note of unbearable intensity was emitted at pressures in excess of 1,000 milibars about 50m away. This level of pressure is above the limits that man can endure. At such a range, half a minute of exposure would be enough to be lethal. At longer ranges (about 229m), the effect would be excruciating and a soldier would be incapacitated for some considerable time afterwards. No operational or physiological tests were ever carried out. It was suggested, however, that laboratory animals were used to prove the basic soundness of the concept. The cannon was never deployed for its intended purpose.

Toward the end of World War II, the Germans were reported to have made a type of acoustic device. It looked like a large cannon and sent out a sonic boomlike shock wave that in theory could have felled a B-17 bomber. In the mid-1940s, the U.S. Navy created a program called Project Squid to study the German vortex technology. The results are unknown. But Guy Obolensky, an American inventor, says he replicated the Nazi device in his laboratory in 1949. Against hard objects the effect was astounding, he says: It could snap a board like a twig. Against soft targets like people, it had a different effect. “I felt like I had been hit by a thick rubber blanket,” says Obolensky, who once stood in its path.”


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