
detalles de Again & again

Título Again & again
Duración: 1 min. 0 seg.
Formato de Realización: MiniDV
Formato de Presentación: Video-CD
Idioma Original:
Fecha de Producción: septiembre de 2004
Ciudad de Producción: a+
País de Producción: Irlanda
Sinopsis: My work attempts to capture the seemingly uncontrollable transient of time. Through my efforts to regain some control and understanding of the perception of time, I have created an evolving portrait though a means of self-preservation. The consistency of the pose and detached almost unemotional expression emanate feelings of a sombre nature, which reflect on our preoccupation with the escalating pressures of our daily existence. The work also poses as a document of the mundanity of modern life in our attempts to fulfilling all our material goals. “I should like to make portraits which would appear to people living a century from now like apparitions.” -Vincent van Gogh, June 1890 Yesterday I bought a new mobile phone, one with a digital camera, and in the process of setting it up I took about 15 pictures of myself, holding the camera away from my face, snapping and then immediately discarding the image and taking another. I did this over and over, compulsively, before getting bored and moving onto the next feature. There was a time when the immediacy of self-portraiture was not so instant. With a modern era came faster means, and ever since art has been caught between what writer Mary Ann Doane describes as two impulses: 1) to rectify the discontinuity of modern life through the illusion of continuity, or 2) to embody discontinuity as fundamental to the human condition and to embrace it. In Lee Welch’s series of self-portraits, Again and Again, we encounter what appears to be a straightforward record taken with a digital camera of the artist’s face over a period of months. Through a rapid sequence of images, we find ourselves entranced by a face, most notably its changing hair, an affect of style that fluctuates between drastic and more subtle stages of cutting, dying, shaving, gelling. On one level it is a simple game, one of recognition and repetition, where we quickly learn to spot the difference. On another level, what manages to be fun is also a crisis in representation that leads to questions about identity, coherence and technology that are at the heart of Welch’s project. Here, digital photography in its rapid reiterations, employs a technology of cyber fantasies, genetic engineering and multiple identities that tells us nothing of the subject it represents. We are left with only a superficial awareness of a person, a self-portrait that collapses external changes with time. When van Gogh described his interest in the modern portrait in a letter to his sister almost 115 years ago, he fixated on colour as the means to intensify the human character, and to bring new life to the present. In blank refusal, Welch detaches the self-portrait from the psychological, the spiritual, the emotional, through the vibrancy of technological speed—and creates an apparition of imagined continuity and loss of control over identity that is perhaps the genuine expression of our times. -Sara Pierce
Director/a: Lee Welch
Licencia de distribución: Dominio público
Sección: No cumple las bases
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