[spanish version]


What are we going to do to stop the empire?
zemos98 opens a new section of video [& installations]

city / society / [architecture] / technology:

hackitecture: unsuspected and subversive use of architectural and urban elements and systems. Extending the concept of hackitecture we would like to apply it to many of the resistant / antagonistic tactics developed by new social movements.

zemos98.05 in collaboration with osfavelados and wewearbuildings puts forward the concept of hackitecture, connecting the spaces that we inhabit - and that inhabit us -, social conflicts and technologies, in order to inspire the presentiation of videos - and other artistic devices - that develop research about:

a/ new processes and forms of resistance to hegemonic powers, especially to the new rising empire, and also

b/ new social spaces of liberty, solidarity, creativity and autonomy.

In our preliminary program we are planning on projecting videos about globalization protests around the world, the Chiapas Media Project, the border in Tijuana, the Zapatista March, the Immigrants Struggle in Southern Spain, antigentrification movements, the new urban landscape as a videogame set [an interactive installation by Pablo de Soto / wewearbuidlings]...

A short selection of works will be showed at the main zemos98 location at El Viso del Alcor, Sevilla, between january 9th and 12th. All works presented will be showed in different locations in Sevilla in later dates. The final program with dates and places is still under construction.



C/ Río Darro, 20.
El Viso del Alcor C.P. 41520.
Sevilla España
