Detalles de Iris

Título Iris
Duración: 11 min. 0 seg.
Formato de Realización: DVD
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original: Español
Fecha de Producción: noviembre de 2005
Ciudad de Producción: Puerto Rico
País de Producción: Puerto Rico
Sinopsis: Iris is a multidisciplinary and transdiciplinary project that I have been producing since 2003 to the present. The subject matter is address by the point of view of the disintegration of the personality: Alzheimer’s disease has caused my mother the progressive lost of the memory for the past ten years. In this process, I am establishing my relationship with my mother through video. The video dress up as documental evidence of life and make us reflect not only about the relationship that we have (or we once had) with our mother but also the ephemeral of life. The project depth in a universal experience until finds the marrow; like every surgical operation this art hurts and heals. The video Iris, (2003-2005) 11 min. compiles the moments and memories of the expressive therapy sessions, songs, sounds, conversations and the graphics art that my mother made. These sessions constitute an important tool for the expression of the individual and it makes accessible for the manifestation of the unconscious and the conscious. The focus of this session is not to make her an “artist” is to be the creators of her own vision of the world and the emotional discharge. The session is the alternative to establish a relation that is nonverbal. At any moment in the video we can’t see the face of Iris. We only see her image as silhouette and shadows, respecting the line of privacy and not converting her in an object.
Producción: Catherine Matos Olivo
Director/a: Catherine Matos Olivo
Reparto: Catherine Matos Olivo Iris
Guión: Catherine Matos Olivo
Montaje: Catherine Matos Olivo
Fotografía: Catherine Matos Olivo
Música: Catherine Matos Olivo
Sonido: Catherine Matos Olivo
Sociedad de Gestión:
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