Detalles de Cosmoclub

Título Cosmoclub
Duración: 11 min. 13 seg.
Formato de Realización: MiniDV
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original: English
Fecha de Producción: diciembre de 2004
Ciudad de Producción: Zagreb
País de Producción: Croacia
Sinopsis: «COSMOCLUB» This art work deals with typical problems of life adjustment in transitional Croatia. Split between temptations of consumism, media influence and real financial and political situation in the country leads to contradictions on everyday basis in common people's lives. This problem is serious but sometimes offers comic moments as a defence against general absurdity and helplessnes. One of such examples is processing the text from Cosmopolitan. The basic idea of this project is inspired by certain «Guide through fantasies», published in Cosmopolitan magazine in January,2004 which promisses «momentary pleasure» by following instructions for sexlife refreshment. Superior author of the text tries to help by clear role division (Who are you?,Who is he?, What he says?,What you say?,What do you do?,How everything ends?). He/she thinks that helps to those who are not creative and fearless enough even for dealing with general questions in politics, economy etc. so how they can be capable of finding mature solutions of own sexsual frustrations? Or the other way around? Those who are not creative enough for their own imaginative intimate life, are they capable for independant dealing with socially important questions? Or it's cure for their sexual frustrations? However, Cosmopolitan is here to help with instant recepes so life can be more alike cliche lives of heroines and heroes from soaps where they are always rich, beautiful, sexy and they get the best and the most of the life. This is the basic preocupation of «Cosmoclub» - the conflict between offered instant solutions from media and our material conditions and subconscious reactions as are inhibitions, asociations etc. The pressure of media solutions for «the right» way of life is more and more agressive. Brainwashing through advises for every aspect of being makes instant generations who expect recepe for absolutely every move in their programmed lives. The goal of this video is to ironize this popular tendency and to show all the absurdity of human giving up of active personal development, originality and creativity.
Producción: Sonja Vuk
Director/a: Sonja Vuk
Reparto: Sonja Vuk
Guión: Cosmopolitan
Montaje: Sonja Vuk
Fotografía: Sonja Vuk
Música: Santana
Sociedad de Gestión:
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