Detalles de Dancing plants

Título Dancing plants
Duración: 6 min. 19 seg.
Formato de Realización: MiniDV
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original: English
Fecha de Producción: septiembre de 2004
Ciudad de Producción: Coventry
País de Producción: Reino Unido
Sinopsis: Dancing Plants is a sensory experience that incorporates an intriguing and bizarre combination of choreographed plants and popular music. It is entertaining and appeals to a wide audience through a language of popular culture, exploring themes around the nature of the mental image. The original idea came from listening to a 1982 Patrick Cowley remix of Donna Summer’s ‘I Feel Love’. ‘I picked up a friend’s Cannabis plant and shook it wildly with the music. I was excited how we ‘both’ became fixated by the plant’s transformation of character by ‘dancing’ to the music’. Including performances by Marijuana, Coleus Kiwi and Yucca the plants are chosen to characterize and suggest the original artist’s image and performance. Downloaded MP3 files are sampled, remixed and manipulated by adding synthesized sounds and digital effects. This theatrical and humorous interplay between imagery and sound transforms an object of nature into something that eludes reality. Digital technologies create new forms for artistic expression but they also allow more conditions of possibility for our consciousness to experience imaginary or fictitious events. Our inner world is private and indivisible. Although our subjective states may remain mysterious, technological advances in science are now providing more valuable insight into their origins. To see the world through someone else’s eyes could indeed be a phenomenal encounter.
Producción: Paul Masters
Director/a: Paul Masters
Montaje: Phil Buffrey & Paul Masters
Música: Phil Buffrey
Sonido: Phil Buffrey
Sociedad de Gestión:
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