Detalles de Self portrait: travel series

Título Self portrait: travel series
Duración: 4 min. 16 seg.
Formato de Realización: DVD
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original: English
Fecha de Producción: noviembre de 2005
Ciudad de Producción: New York, NY
País de Producción: Estados Unidos
Sinopsis: Media: IMovie; Garageband; Photoshop; original music scored for flute, harp, and violin; one photograph; two narrators. Self Portrait: Travel Series is composed of one photograph presented 360 times, each iteration rotated one degree clockwise (in Photoshop) before being brought into Imovie. The original photograph, taken by Robert Kirkbride, is rectangular; in Imovie, I cropped the image to avoid the borders, which created little jumps in the circular motion. The image is of me asleep in the Milan airport at 4am. The perspective of the photograph is foreshortened, recalling a work by the Renaissance painter Andrea Mantegna. Like the aural repetition of a certain word that begins to lose its meaning and becomes pure sound, the repetition of the image alters our perception of it. The narration, following the tone of Proust聮s Questionnaire, is a series of questions without answers. The questions represent what creates an individual: a lifetime of discoveries and decisions. This is a self-portrait of anyone. The music, which was reworked in Garageband from an excerpt of a longer work about clocks as mechanical devices, is scored for flute, harp, and violin.
Producción: Melissa Grey
Director/a: Melissa Grey
Reparto: narrated by: Melissa Grey + Robert Kirkbride
Guión: Melissa Grey (based on Proust's Questionnaire)
Montaje: Melissa Grey
Fotografía: photograph by Robert Kirkbride
Música: composed by Melissa Grey
Sonido: Melissa Grey
Sociedad de Gestión:
Licencia de distribución: Creative Commons
Creative Commons: Licencia con Condici贸n de Atribuci贸nAtribuci贸n
Licencia con Condici贸n de No Comercializaci贸nNo Comercial
Licencia con Condici贸n de Derivaci贸nObras no derivadas

¿Nos llegó?: S铆
Lugar de proyección:
¿Cómo conociste nuestra convocatoria? otras
¿Qué te parece este formulario? bueno

Concertado como programa de

Ayuntamiento de Sevilla ICAS Centro de las Artes de Sevilla

Con el apoyo de

Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud Universidad Internacional de Andaluc韆 Junta de Andaluc韆 - Consejer韆 de cultura

Con la colaboraci髇 de

Fundaci髇 Tres Culturas Grupo RTVA Caja San Fernando - Obra social Embajada de Francia Centro Andaluz de Arte Contempor醤eo Caja Madrid - Obra social Lois