Feraliminal Lycanthropizer
By Chiu Longina • Mar 9th, 2008 • Category: DISPOSITIVOShttp://www.moonfish-design.co.uk/feraliminal.htm
“The Feraliminal Lycanthropizer is a low frequency thanato-auric wave generator. In addition to sinewave generators, the machine contains four tape loops of unduplicable lengths, each containing textual material. The wavelengths produced create a state of high-level ferocity and austerity in subjects within approximately four yards, while the Trithemean incantations richly pervading the machine’s aural output produce feelings of `aboveness’ and unbridled `openess’. The overall effect is one of organic ululation, but this aurotic environment, with its sensual, undeniably aphrodisiac effect on subjects, is peripheral to the machine’s essential function: to trigger states of urgency and fearlessness, and to disarmour the intimate charms of the violent child within.”
“Feraliminal Lycanthropizer (a device supposedly created by the Nazis, to turn their soldiers into killing machines). Apparently the tones used in the audio bring out the animalistic nature within us all. The device was also reported to break barriers down, making conversation easier and some people felt the need to shed their clothing and indulge in unrestrained orgies.”
“What is a Feraliminal Lycanthropizer?
“It has a sensual, aphrodisiac effect on subjects. But that is peripheral to the machine’s essential function: to trigger states of urgency and fearlessness, and to disarmor the intimate charms of the violent child within. Documented experiments include cases in which subjects previously unacquainted with one another are found freely sharing inner thoughts, secrets and vulnerable feelings, in several cases to the point of impetuously shedding the veil of clothing. Others involve extraordinary strength and detailed focus of will. For example, a dilettante Catalonian national using the machine daily over a period of five or six weeks eventually managed to ingratiate himself with Adolf Hitler, persuade his quarry to adopt the swastika as high totem and emblem of the burgeoning National Socialist Conference.” David Woodard
“A little background
Three years ago I discovered a fantastic technology called “Brainwave Entrainment”. Brainwave entrainment uses audio impetus to influence the frequency of the brainwaves by using binaural beats.
“Binaural beats were discovered in 1839 by a German experimenter, H. W. Dove. The human ability to “hear” binaural beats appears to be the result of evolutionary adaptation. Binaural beats can be detected by humans when carrier tones are below approximately 1000 Hz (Oster 1973). The sensation of “hearing” binaural beats occurs when two coherent sounds of nearly similar frequencies (the carrier tones) are presented, one to each ear, and the brain detects phase differences between these sounds. This phase difference normally provides directional information to the listener but when presented with stereo headphones or speakers the brain integrates the two signals, producing a sensation of a third sound called the binaural beat. Perceived binaural beating appears to originate in the brainstem’s superior olivary nucleus, the site of contralateral integration of auditory input (Oster 1973). This auditory sensation is neurologically routed to the reticular formation (Swann et al. 1982) and simultaneously volume conducted to the cortex where it can be objectively measured as a frequency-following response (Oster 1973; Smith, Marsh, & Brown 1975; Marsh, Brown & Smith 1975; Smith et al. 1978; Hink et al. 1980). The objectively measured frequency-following response provides proof that the sensation of binaural beating has neurological efficacy…”
Source: “Inducing Altered States of Consciousness with Binaural Beat Technology”, F. HOLMES ATWATER (1997)”
Wild Waves
Confessions of the Feraliminal Kind
David Woodard
spacerThe Feraliminal Lycanthropizer is a low frequency thanato-auric wave generator. Known for its use by the Nazis and for its animalizing effects on human subjects tested within measurable vibratory proximity, the machine electrically generates two subsonic sinewaves — one 3hz, the other 9hz. Together, these two frequencies (one acting as carrier, the other as program) generate a lower third, .56hz.
In addition to these sinewave generators, the machine contains four tape loops of unduplicable lengths, each containing textual material. Two of these loops operate below the threshold of decipherability (one forward, the other backward), and two operate far beyond the opposite threshold (also one forward, the other backward). The effect of the subsonic sinewaves on the sound of these human voice recordings is one of organic ululation.
But this aurotic environment, with its sensual, undeniably aphrodisiac effect on subjects, is peripheral to the machine’s essential function: to trigger states of urgency and fearlessness, and to disarmour the intimate charms of the violent child within. While the 9hz, 3hz and .56hz wavelengths together signal a state of high-level ferocity and austerity in subjects within approximately four yards, the Trithemean incantations richly pervading the machine’s aural output produce feelings of `aboveness’ and unbridled `openess’.
The combination of drastically contrasting emotional trigger mechanisms results in an often profound behavioral enhancement which occurs strikingly soon (within moments) after the user enters and remains in the auricular field of the machine. This patently Plecidic enhancement is described in a study by the inventor Bill Jenkins as “Sensitive Disturbance”, an “atomic catharsis of nucleopatriphobic anxieties and freeze-locking, thanatotic armor.” [READ MORE…]

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