Prototype: Sound Cannon
By Chiu Longina • Mar 11th, 2008 • Category: DISPOSITIVOS
Zapping Through The Walls
By David Hambling EmailMarch 09, 2007
The Vomit beam which Sharon described earlier this week is a somewhat repulsive nonlethal weapon concept with the major tactical advantage that it will work through walls. (If it works at all – it is still highly unproven).
This is not the first time the Pentagon has sought to build beam weapons that will affect the occupants of a building. The picture shows an “ultra sonic/infra sonic cannon” that could “Remotely incapacitate or disarm occupants of compartments of a ship or rooms of a building.”
The concept was floated by the Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics Center in 2002 and while there have been many acoustic blaster concepts including the fearsome looking “Aversive Audible Acoustic Device” , none of these have yet been shown to be effective. A thorough study by Dr Juergen Altmann looks at the available literature on the effects of sound and sums it up as “Strong Allegations, Few Facts”. Anyone hoping to reduce a gunman into a helpless retching mess with infrasound is likely to be disappointed : “I have found no hard evidence for vomiting or uncontrolled defecation, even at levels of 170 dB or more.”

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